Monday, May 27, 2024

What I did for the week of May 20th

 I had another busy week for the week of May 20th. I got a few things done and still continued working on projects but haven't finished them yet. The first thing I spent my time on was fighting with the trash company to come and empty the dumpster that we got last week. We paid for another week, and they needed to empty it so we could refill it. This took me three days to get them to finally come out and do it. The dumpster finally got empty, and we refilled it. Now they can pick up and get out of the yard. We didn't realize how much stuff that we needed to get reid of, but the yard is looking good. We are also getting the weeds under control. I will show you a picture when it is all done. When I say we I mostly mean my husband.

I went to a tea and make at one of the library branches in our town. This is what I made. I also did a quilt square for a community quilt. It was fun and I got to talk to some new people.
This project isn't finished yet, but i wanted to show you what I did. I went to a needle felting class again at one of the library branches. I will finish this on my next class.
I am still working on the plastic canvas basket for the veterans. This project is taking me a long time, and I will be so glad when I get it done. There are 12 sides here and I still have 18 more to do. That is just part of getting these sides done.

I was only able to get two squares done this week. I hope to get more done, but we will see.

I also worked on some Christmas gifts so I can't show you that. But I am close to getting them finish.

Since it is Memorial Day today on Friday some of my DAR Chapter went to put flags on Veterans graves. We do this every year.  This box holds 144 flags.

Not much else except normal life stuff. I didn't do any new recipes, so I wasn't able to share any. I am hoping to get some new recipes tried next week. Stay tune and see if I do. It has been hot and windy in Southern Colorado.

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