Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Pumpkin Pudding Parfait with gingersnaps Recipe

 Here is a nice dessert that you should try. I got this recipe from the book Called the Diabetes Cookbook. The recipe is on page 5 in chapter one.

This is everything you will need to make this recipe. The gingersnaps are missing from this photo. I forgot to grab them.

1 (1-ounce) package fat-free, sugar-free instant cheesecake pudding mix

1 2/3 cups skim milk (I used 2%)

1 cup canned pure pumpkin

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

1/8 teaspoon nutmeg

1 cup fat-free vanilla Greek yogurt, divided (mine wasn't fat-free)

7 gingersnap cookies, crumbled

1. In a medium mixing bowl, whisk together the pudding mix and milk 2 minutes. Let sit 5 minutes.

2. Fold in the pumpkin, cinnamon, and nutmeg.

This is what it will look like after the above is mixed.

Fold in 1/2 cup of the yogurt.

What it should look like when all mixed in. Now you need to refrigerate 10 minutes,

Scoop 1/2 cup pudding mixture into a parfait Glass. I don't own those, so I had to come up with something different. Top with 1 heaping tablespoon of the remaining yogurt and 1 crumbled cookie. I decided to leave my cookie whole. 

4. Repeat procedure for remaining 6 parfaits. I was only able to make 6 bowls by following these directions.

I hope you give this recipe a try. They were actually very good and refreshing.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Chinese Chicken with Cashew Nuts Recipe

 I have a new recipe for you to try. I got this recipe from a library book to help control the sugar intake for myself and my husband.

Chinese Chicken with Cashew Nuts

I know the photo isn't the best, but these are the items you will need for this recipe. There is one item missing and that is garlic. This is what you will need:

1/4 cup lite soy sauce (I only had regular)

1/4 cup rice vinegar

1/4 cup dry sherry (you can use chicken broth)

2 tablespoons fresh ginger or 2 teaspoons ground ginger (I used ground)

3 medium cloves garlic, crushed (I used a big teaspoon of minced)

1/2-pound boneless skinless chicken breast, cut tint 1/2-inch pieces

2 teaspoons sesame oil

1 medium red bell pepper, sliced (1 cup)

1 teaspoon cornstarch

salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste (I didn't use this)

1/4 cup unsalted cashew nuts

2 scallions, sliced (green onions)

1. Mix soy sauce, rice vinegar, sherry, ginger, and garlic together in a small bowl. Add chicken and marinate while you prepare the other ingredients. As you can see, I put all this into a Ziplock bag.

Here are my green onions and red pepper sliced and ready to go.

I decided to chop my cashews a little, so they weren't too big.

2. Heat a wok or skillet over high heat and add oil.

3. Remove chicken from marinade with a slotted spoon, reserving liquid. Add chicken to wok and stir-fry 2 minutes. Remove to a plate.

4. Add red bell pepper and stir-fry 2 minutes.

5. Mix cornstarch with reserved marinade. Add marinade and chicken to the wok and stir-fry 2 minutes with the peppers.

6. Remove from heat. Add salt and pepper. Sprinkle cashew nuts and scallions on top and serve over rice. 

This was really good. I will say for us that I will probably reduce the rice vinegar a little and either add more sherry or chicken broth. It just had a little too much vinegar taste for me. it made just enough for myself and my husband and a lunch for him also. We try to eat lighter in the evenings. I hope you will give this recipe a try. Sorry I can't remember the name of the cookbook where I got this recipe.

Monday, May 27, 2024

What I did for the week of May 20th

 I had another busy week for the week of May 20th. I got a few things done and still continued working on projects but haven't finished them yet. The first thing I spent my time on was fighting with the trash company to come and empty the dumpster that we got last week. We paid for another week, and they needed to empty it so we could refill it. This took me three days to get them to finally come out and do it. The dumpster finally got empty, and we refilled it. Now they can pick up and get out of the yard. We didn't realize how much stuff that we needed to get reid of, but the yard is looking good. We are also getting the weeds under control. I will show you a picture when it is all done. When I say we I mostly mean my husband.

I went to a tea and make at one of the library branches in our town. This is what I made. I also did a quilt square for a community quilt. It was fun and I got to talk to some new people.
This project isn't finished yet, but i wanted to show you what I did. I went to a needle felting class again at one of the library branches. I will finish this on my next class.
I am still working on the plastic canvas basket for the veterans. This project is taking me a long time, and I will be so glad when I get it done. There are 12 sides here and I still have 18 more to do. That is just part of getting these sides done.

I was only able to get two squares done this week. I hope to get more done, but we will see.

I also worked on some Christmas gifts so I can't show you that. But I am close to getting them finish.

Since it is Memorial Day today on Friday some of my DAR Chapter went to put flags on Veterans graves. We do this every year.  This box holds 144 flags.

Not much else except normal life stuff. I didn't do any new recipes, so I wasn't able to share any. I am hoping to get some new recipes tried next week. Stay tune and see if I do. It has been hot and windy in Southern Colorado.

Monday, May 20, 2024

What I did for the week of May 13th

 I had another busy week. I am having no problem with keeping busy.

The first thing we did was finish painting this room. This used to be one of the boy's rooms and now we are changing it to a reading room.
We also ordered a dumpster so we could clean up the yard. The dumpster is full, and we are waiting on the trash company to come empty so we can finish up.
I have also decided to get back into exercising. This machine isn't the best, but I am doing other things besides just this.
I went bowling with some friends this past week and it was fun. I was a little sore because of the yard clean up and the exercising I have been doing.
I was able to get four different crochet squares. This is part of a 63 square blanket
Saturday, we had game night with some friends. We had dinner and played this game. This game had us laughing so hard. We had a great time.
I also did a few other things but didn't take pictures because they are for Christmas and some of my family read this post. We also ordered the furniture for the reading room. It will be a few weeks before it arrives. I also went to a DAR (Daughter of the American Revolution) meeting on Saturday. I have turned over my job as treasurer and I am looking forward to the next two years of only having to attend the meetings.
Well, that was week. It was busy and this week is looking the same. Hope your week goes by smoothly.

Friday, May 17, 2024

Dump Cake Recipe

 I have another recipe for you to try. I got this recipe off of YouTube. The channel is called The Kneady Homesteader.

This is what you will need to make this recipe. You need to preheat your oven to 350 degrees. You will need to spray a 9x13 pan with pam. You will also need a quart of fruit and a couple of cans of pie filling. You can use any kind you want. I am using pineapple as my fruit and apple pie filling. I drained the liquid off my fruit into a bowl because I really don't want all the liquid in my cake, but you do need some. Pour the fruit into the pan and then add the pie filling. Mix together and add about 1/2 cup to 3/4 cup of the liquid. Mix together. Then you will pour a yellow cake mix on top. Don't mix in just let it sit on top. You do need to even it out though. On top of the cake mix you need to add butter. the picture shows you how to add it. This takes two sticks of butter. You don't need it to be soft. Then you will bake it 50-60 minutes. Today it took 60 minutes to bake.

This is the cake right after I took it out of the oven. We won't be eating this until tomorrow when we have a group of friends come over. We will serve it will ice cream. It is also good by itself.

I hope you give this recipe a try.

Monday, May 13, 2024

The week in a life without working outside the home

On Friday, May 3rd was my last day of work. I quick my full-time job and I had to make sure I would stay busy. I think I did that this week. I have some photos of the things I did this week. I didn't put them in order but i don't think that really matters. this crochet square is from a project called the calendar year blanket. I am behind because this is the February square and I finally got it done this week.
These are some plastic plant containers that I mode podge on with napkins. I think they came out really well. I am not good with real plants, so I need to find some fake ones to put in them.
At my job i was a notary and they let me keep my stuff and I did do one notary for a friend this week.
These are part of a project I have been working on since September of 2023. I need to get them done before November of 2024. They are proving to be a pain.
My husband and I played this new game I picked up. This was very hard. We are both readers but this game kick our butts.
I know tax season is over, but we have a son in bootcamp, and I need to get his taxes done from his job he had before he left. They will be late but since he doesn't owe anything we figured it would be ok. He may still have to pay fine but since he is getting money, they can just take it out before they send him his refund.
I made these cute button flowers for the reading room. It just brings a little color to the room. I wanted to do this project at work, but we never got around to it.
Here are the backs of the plastic canvas that I finally got outlined. Now I am working on the sides and hope to get them done next week.

 I also made a batch of cookies for my husband to take to work. I have the recipe on this blog.

Well, that was my week. I think I did a great job staying busy. I have also been reading and you can find out what I read by going to my reading blog at
Today is a new week and next Monday you will find out what I was up to.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Almond Joy Cookies

 Here is another recipe that I have made this week. I got this recipe off my Facebook page. I am not sure who posted it, but I want to give them credit.

These are the items that you will need to make this recipe.
1 cup butter                1 1/2 cups white sugar        1 1/2 cups brown sugar
4 eggs                         3 teaspoons vanilla              4 1/2 cups flour
2 teaspoons baking soda       1 teaspoon salt           5 cups chocolate chips
2 cups sweetened coconut                                        2 cups chopped almonds
Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees. Lightly grease cookie sheet or sheets. I use Pam.  The first step is to cream butter with both sugars. This is shown above.
After that you will add the eggs, one at a time, stir after each egg. Then add the vanilla when all the eggs are added.
Then the dry ingredients are added. Before you add the dry ingredients make sure to combine them beforehand. Add a little at a time to make it easier to mix in. I did 1 cup at a time.
Now you will add the nuts, coconut and chips. I didn't have enough nuts or coconut to use the full amount recommended but they still will turn out fine. I also used only 2 cups of chips. I don't like my cookies overpowered with them.
This is what it should look like when all mixed.
Drop by rounded tablespoonfuls onto prepared cookie sheets.
Bake 8 to 10 minutes. I baked them for 10 minutes. Cool on baking sheet for 5 minutes before removing them to a wire rack to cool completely.
Here they are finishing the cooling process. Even though I haven't used the full amount of ingredients the cookies still turned out great.

I hope you will try this recipe. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Italian Sausage and Penne

 Here is another recipe that we really like. This recipe is from Lil' Luna. It is fast and easy to make.

This is almost everything you will need for this recipe. I forgot to get the cheese.
8 ounces penne pasta, uncooked
1-pound Italian sausage (hot or mild)
2 teaspoons mince garlic
2-14 oz. Cans seasoned diced tomatoes (I used 16-oz can of tomato sauce)
2 cups broccoli florets
1/2 cup Italian cheese blend
1 cup heavy whipping cream
Cook the pasta according to box.
While pasta is cooking, het sausage in a large skillet until cooked through. Add garlic and cook for 1-2 minutes.
Add tomatoes, broccoli, cream and cheese. Cook for 10 minutes or until broccoli is tender.
Add pasta and toss to coat. Sprinkle with more cheese before serving.

This is what it looks like when ready to eat. This is an all-in-one meal which I like. I hope you will give this recipe a try.

Monday, May 6, 2024

Bent's Fort trip

 In April we made a quick trip to visit Bent's Fort that isn't far from where we live. I am sad that it wasn't what I was expecting. The fort was nice, but we did a self-guided tour because that was the only option. They did have a book which told a little about the area. There weren't any signs to read or anyone to ask questions. Here are the few pictures I took. My camera decided not to work so I had to take them on my phone.

I didn't get any of the fort itself because I didn't think about using my phone. It was also dark. I did pick up 2 books and a mug. They didn't have magnets or thimbles that I usually get. I am glad that we finally did go see something in Colorada.