Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Flags for Veterans

 We did our annual flags for Veterans again on the Friday before Memorial Day. We missed last year because Aryan was getting his wisdom pulled. Here is Aryan at the first Veteran's grave we came to. We don't know any of these Veteran's. It was a nice day but the flying bugs were a hassle. Aryan and I usually work together and we go further into the cemetery then the rest of the group. I was shone a while ago where there is a big area that has a lot of veterans grave.
Here is David at a different Veteran's grave. This was our last one for the day. David usually goes with one of my friend's to do the flags. On the back of this tomb stone there is a metal plaque that tells about his service.
This year we put up 600 flags. Hopefully next year we can do more.

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