Monday, June 24, 2024

David Army Boot Camp Graduation

 I have been absent for a couple of weeks because we were out of town. Our youngest son Graduated from Army boot camp and we made a vacation out of it. For today's post it will be his graduation.

This is our son near the beginning of his training. They shave all the hair off the men and the women get short hair. Our son's platoon had some females. There weren't many.

Sorry about the photo I had to screen shoot it from the Facebook page. This is during the first few weeks of training. He is the second one with all the mud on him.

Again, another screen shot. This is him shooting at the range.

You can barely see him. His is the head behind the two fighting.

He is the last one in the line.

This is his company marching onto the field.

Our son.
Three companies graduated on the same day. His company was E/2-58
Just some of the vehicle that were at the graduation.
This was the Vietnam memorial
Waiting for graduation
Graduation ceremony begins. It was hot out there and the poor soldiers didn't have any cover. I will just let you enjoy the rest of the pictures. Sorry but our son was at the back of the platoon, and it wasn't easy getting his picture.

He is the last one on the left as you look at the picture. 

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