Tuesday, June 25, 2024


 When we went to our youngest son's bootcamp graduation we realized that we wouldn't be too far from the Andersonville Prison History Center. So, on our last day we went to Andersonville.

All of these plaques were in the ground by the parking lot. Not only is Andersonville about itself it also is about all the POWs from the other wars.

This is telling you about the Museum

These photos are placed where we met up for the guided tour.

Above are some of the photos we took as we followed the Auto tour that we took by ourselves. 

Some of these pictures include the cemetery. This cemetery only has veterans in it. There is one Confederate soldier, and they also have the caretakers buried her. These pictures are from my husband camera. I will add some of the photos that I took that he didn't.
This is one of many of the wells that the prisoners dug for water.

This is one of the trees that the prisoners dug under to try to escape.

This brook was one of the reasons for the prison to built here. I am surprised that it is still running. You don't want to drink it though.
One form of punishment

What the field looked like when the prisoners were there.

The deadline is where the prisoners were not allowed to cross.

These are the things that I bought at the little store. They do not charge you to visit them. They make their money through the store and donations. Even the driving tour was free you just had to return the CD.
We were actually very satisfied with our visit here. I highly recommend this historical site if you are in the area.

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