Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Cherry Cheese Cake


                                Cherry Cheesecake Recipe

Sorry I thought I already did this recipe, so this is the only photo I took.

Here is the recipe and directions to make this dessert. I got the recipe a long time ago from the can of Bordon's Sweet Condense Milk.

1 (9") Graham Cracker Crumb Crust

1 (8oz) package cream cheese, softened

1 (14 oz can) sweetened Condensed Milk

1/3 cup lemon juice

1 teaspoon vanilla

canned pie filling (sometimes I use two cans depending on the amount of fruit is in each one)

In a large mixing bowl, beat cheese until fluffy. Beat in milk until smooth. Stir in lemon juice and vanilla. Pour into crust and chill for at least 3 hours or until set. Top with pie filling and put back into the refrigerator to finish chilling.

this is one of the family's favorites. I have also used canned strawberry pie filling.

Monday, December 26, 2022

Christmas 2022

I know I haven't posted in a while. I am going to try to do better. Here is the Christmas with the few gifts that we got for the boys. Mike and I really don't buy for each other. We just get what we want through out the year.
I know David looks really excited, doesn't he. He is here with his unopened gifts.
Thomas isn't much better. Here he is with his unopened gifts.
David with all of his gifts. This year his secret Santa was his older brother, who lives in Utah. When I told him he thought his brother sent him a doll and was greatly relieve that he pulled the graphic novel of The Hobbit and a game. We gave him a gift card for his Xbox, two Mangas for the collection he is reading and the huge box of slim Jims. He really enjoyed what he received. He also got some gift cards and cash.

 Thomas with all of his gifts. We gave him a year of AAA, the duology by Patricia Briggs that he wanted and the big thing of Beef jerky. His secret Santa this year was his youngest older sister who lives in Utah, and she got him a laser lighter. He tried it out by burning a piece of tissue paper. Man, that lighted up that paper really quick. Now Mike wants one. He also got some gift cards and cash. He also enjoyed his gifts.

We actually are celebrating today since, both Mike and Thomas worked yesterday. Yesterday I did get to zoom with the family and really had a great time talking and visiting with everyone.

We hope everyone had a great holiday and got what you wanted.

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Beef and Bean BBQ Recipe


Beef and Bean BBQ Casserole

I am not sure where I got this recipe, so I don't know who to thank. This is a quick and an easy recipe.

Ingredients you will need for this recipe

1 pound of ground beef

1/2 cup diced onions

1/2 teaspoon salt (optional)

1/4 teaspoon pepper

1 1-lb 15 oz can pork and beans

1/2 cup ketchup

1 tablespoon worcershire sauce

2 tablespoons vinegar

5 drops Tabasco sauce

Put the ground beef, onion, salt and pepper in a skillet and brown. Drain off all the fat. Add the remaining ingredients and mix well. Pour into a casserole dish and bake at 350-degree oven for 30 minutes.

I hope you decide to try this dish. If you do, please let me know what you think in the comments.

Monday, February 28, 2022

Frito Pie and Chili Recipe


These two recipes were inspired by my son-in-law. He has never heard of Frito pie and so I decided that I needed to add them to this blog. The chili recipe I grew up with and got it from my mom and she got it from a recipe book. I am not sure what the book is called but it has something to do with several different recipes using ground beef.

Easy Chili

1 cup chopped onions

4 pounds hamburger

2 (8oz) cans tomato sauce

2 tablespoons lemon juice

1 tablespoon brown sugar

1 1/2 teaspoon Worchester sauce

1 tablespoon vinegar

1/4 teaspoon dry mustard

Kidney beans (dry or canned)

Chili powder to taste

46 oz can tomato juice.

Brown your hamburger with the onions. I just everything together after the meat and onions are cooked.

I let everything simmer for most of the day. It is better if you let it set a day in the refrigerator and eat it the next day.

This is a very simple recipe and easy to double.

Frito Pie.

There is no wrong way to make this. You can do what I did in the picture and just put chili in the bowl and surround it with Frito's and cheese or you can put the Frito's on the bottom and chili on top. Or you can have the chili on the bottom and the Frito's on top. 

Like I said there is no wrong way and probably ways I haven't thought of.

I hope you try these recipes and let me know what you think.

Until next time, enjoy your day.

Monday, February 21, 2022

January 2022

 This will hopefully get you up to date with the family. This blog post is for the whole month of January. Pictures will be coming soon. I didn't take a whole of them because the computer was in the shop for most of the month.

January 1st, we had our normal gathering of friends come over to bring in the new year. We fix a big breakfast and then spend the time together just shooting the breeze. It is a fun time, and we enjoy doing it every year. This year it snowed but they still came.

January 6th was my birthday. I ended up working and Mike was working the late shift, so we went out on the weekend.

January 10th, I got my booster shot. Not a big reaction was able to work without any issues.

January 18th and 19th David took his driving test. He failed on the first day but passed on the second day. He is so happy.

January 21st was my oldest son's birthday

January 25th the library started handing out these masks. The state of Colorado sent them to the all the libraries to hand out to their customer. We are still handing them out. We do this on a first come first service status. You get 5 masks.

January 26th David was able to get his license. We had to schedule to get him in because we can't do walk-ins. His testing was done by the driving school we used.

Throughout the whole month Mike and David were working on the small bathroom redoing the floors.

January 30th was my oldest Grandchild's birthday.

That is, it for the month of January. Not much happening but we manage to stay busy.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Oatmeal Cookies With Toffee Recipe

                                   Oatmeal Cookies with Toffee Recipe

This cookie is nice and soft, and everyone loves them. I got the recipe from creationsbykara.com

This is what you will need to make this recipe.

1 cup butter softened                             2 cups brown sugar

2 eggs                                                     2 tsp. vanilla

1 3/4 cups flour                                       1 tsp. baking soda

1/2 tsp. baking powder                            1/2 tsp. salt

1 tsp. cinnamon                                        3 cups oats

1 package Health Bits O'Brickle Toffee Bits (about 1 1/2 cups)

1 cup coconut (optional)

Cream butter and sugar in a large mixing bowl; beat in eggs and vanilla. Stir in dry ingredients, oats, toffee, and coconut. Drop by rounded spoonful's onto lightly greased sheets. Bake at 350 degrees for about 8 minutes. Let sit on cookie sheets for 3-4 minutes before removing to cooling racks.

Makes about 4 dozen


Make sure you let the cookies sit on the cookie sheets for a few minutes or they will fall apart when you transfer them to the cooling rack.

This last time I made these cookies I didn't have coconut and they tasted as good. 

I hope you will give these cookies a try and let me know what you think of them.

Monday, February 14, 2022

December 2021

 I know I have missed a lot of family going Ons for the year so I am going to try to be better and so I will start with December.

We went and picked up Thomas on the 6th of December from the Denver airport. Luckily the weather was nice, and the roads were clear.

Thomas on Santa (Carl) lap
David on Santa (Carl) lap
The boys with the neighbors. David, Thomas, Sam and Jeff

Santa (Carl), David, Thomas, Sam, Jeff hiding in the back and Mrs. Claus (Belinda)

On December 11th we went to the Christmas gathering at our church. We had a great time and people were glad to see Thomas.

This happened on the 16th of December. Thomas is ok and the other car had very little damage.

A few days later we bought this because it was too much money to fix the white car. With three people working and having only two vehicles wasn't working so we ended up getting this. It is a 2020 Toyato Tacoma with just under 5,000 miles.

Christmas Eve
Christmas morning
My Christmas gifts
Mike's Christmas gifts. He won $5 on the lottery ticket. Still haven't cashed it in
Traditional breakfst
Thomas before opening his gifts.
Thomas after gifts were open
David before opening his gifts

David after opening his gifts.

It was a very Christmas. Mike was work so we just chilled and enjoyed the day.

On the 31st of December we ended up taking Thomas back to the Denver Airport because he had to back in Virginia by the 2nd of January. The weather was terrible. Luckily Mike is used to driving in the snow. It was a long night because it took us a little longer to there than normal. We got him there with plenty of time to check in. We got home around 1:30 on the 1st of January.

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Pumpkin/Zucchini Bread Recipe


Pumpkin/Zucchini Bread

This is the recipe I use to make either one. I am getting this recipe from a cookbook I bought years ago. The name of the cookbook is Eat Well for $50.00 a week By: Rhonda Barfield

I will type it like she has it in her book. I don't know if it is still for sale. My edition is from 1993.

This recipe makes two loaves

Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Grease and flour two loaf pans. Cream together in a large bowl:

2 cups sugar and 1 cup oil

Gradually add:

3 eggs and 2 teaspoons vanilla

Beat well. Grate 3 cups pumpkin or zucchini. Add to sugar and oil mixture and blend well.

In a separate bowl, combine:

1 1/2 cups white flour

1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon baking powder

1 teaspoon baking soda

Combine the two mixtures and blend well. Bake for one hour, or until toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.

Variations: This recipe is an excellent way to use up garden vegetables; I have substituted squash, for example, with good results. Add nuts if you prefer. The amount of oil can be reduced, but the resulting bread is not as moist. All white flour can take place of half whole wheat, half white.

I always double this recipe and freeze them. I usually do the half and half but i have done all white and it is still good. I have also used squash in place of the pumpkin and zucchini, and it taste just the same.

I hope you try this recipe and let me know what you think.

Monday, February 7, 2022

Thomas (Aryan) Bootcamp Graduation


Lining up on the parade field
Coming onto the parade field for graduation.
Making sure they are lined up straight.
The band
Friday afternoon.
The run
Starting the run
Lining up to start the run
Thomas is the pale guy near the end.
Thomas's platoon
more of the same
getting ready for the run
here they go
I don't know why it is putting Saturday's pictures first. Anyway, you get the idea. His graduation was moved up a week because of covid. We were lucky that we were able to attend. The previous graduations didn't allow families to attend. He graduated in San Diego, California for those of you who don't know. We didn't get a whole lot of time with him but what time we did get we really enjoyed it. Thomas has changed a lot and for the better. This was the toughest thing he has ever done. he is glad that it is over and does enjoy being a Marine.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Thomas High School Graduation

 I have been terrible at posting to this blog. I am hoping to catch you up with going on of our family. I won't go all the way back just to the most recent. I will start with Thomas's (Aryan)high school graduation. The pictures uploaded wrong, but you will get the general idea of what the day brought.

The day was nice and there was a military plane that flew over during the ceremony. Thomas wanted to go out to Red Robin for dinner, so we ended up driving to Colorado Springs. I am glad that my parents were able to come and celebrate this event with us.