Monday, December 26, 2022

Christmas 2022

I know I haven't posted in a while. I am going to try to do better. Here is the Christmas with the few gifts that we got for the boys. Mike and I really don't buy for each other. We just get what we want through out the year.
I know David looks really excited, doesn't he. He is here with his unopened gifts.
Thomas isn't much better. Here he is with his unopened gifts.
David with all of his gifts. This year his secret Santa was his older brother, who lives in Utah. When I told him he thought his brother sent him a doll and was greatly relieve that he pulled the graphic novel of The Hobbit and a game. We gave him a gift card for his Xbox, two Mangas for the collection he is reading and the huge box of slim Jims. He really enjoyed what he received. He also got some gift cards and cash.

 Thomas with all of his gifts. We gave him a year of AAA, the duology by Patricia Briggs that he wanted and the big thing of Beef jerky. His secret Santa this year was his youngest older sister who lives in Utah, and she got him a laser lighter. He tried it out by burning a piece of tissue paper. Man, that lighted up that paper really quick. Now Mike wants one. He also got some gift cards and cash. He also enjoyed his gifts.

We actually are celebrating today since, both Mike and Thomas worked yesterday. Yesterday I did get to zoom with the family and really had a great time talking and visiting with everyone.

We hope everyone had a great holiday and got what you wanted.

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