Monday, February 14, 2022

December 2021

 I know I have missed a lot of family going Ons for the year so I am going to try to be better and so I will start with December.

We went and picked up Thomas on the 6th of December from the Denver airport. Luckily the weather was nice, and the roads were clear.

Thomas on Santa (Carl) lap
David on Santa (Carl) lap
The boys with the neighbors. David, Thomas, Sam and Jeff

Santa (Carl), David, Thomas, Sam, Jeff hiding in the back and Mrs. Claus (Belinda)

On December 11th we went to the Christmas gathering at our church. We had a great time and people were glad to see Thomas.

This happened on the 16th of December. Thomas is ok and the other car had very little damage.

A few days later we bought this because it was too much money to fix the white car. With three people working and having only two vehicles wasn't working so we ended up getting this. It is a 2020 Toyato Tacoma with just under 5,000 miles.

Christmas Eve
Christmas morning
My Christmas gifts
Mike's Christmas gifts. He won $5 on the lottery ticket. Still haven't cashed it in
Traditional breakfst
Thomas before opening his gifts.
Thomas after gifts were open
David before opening his gifts

David after opening his gifts.

It was a very Christmas. Mike was work so we just chilled and enjoyed the day.

On the 31st of December we ended up taking Thomas back to the Denver Airport because he had to back in Virginia by the 2nd of January. The weather was terrible. Luckily Mike is used to driving in the snow. It was a long night because it took us a little longer to there than normal. We got him there with plenty of time to check in. We got home around 1:30 on the 1st of January.

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