Monday, February 7, 2022

Thomas (Aryan) Bootcamp Graduation


Lining up on the parade field
Coming onto the parade field for graduation.
Making sure they are lined up straight.
The band
Friday afternoon.
The run
Starting the run
Lining up to start the run
Thomas is the pale guy near the end.
Thomas's platoon
more of the same
getting ready for the run
here they go
I don't know why it is putting Saturday's pictures first. Anyway, you get the idea. His graduation was moved up a week because of covid. We were lucky that we were able to attend. The previous graduations didn't allow families to attend. He graduated in San Diego, California for those of you who don't know. We didn't get a whole lot of time with him but what time we did get we really enjoyed it. Thomas has changed a lot and for the better. This was the toughest thing he has ever done. he is glad that it is over and does enjoy being a Marine.

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