Wednesday, September 18, 2019

September 14th 2019

 September 14th was a very busy and fun day for me. After taking the summer Arkansas Valley Chapter NSDAR was back on for the year. (We always take the summer off). September is the month we focus on the Constitution because it was adopted on the 17th in 1787. For the last 3 or 4 years we have had a Fire Chief come and ring a bell for the event.
 Here is the video of him and the bell. Hope you enjoy.
 Also that same day we had a little program which we are working with the library for a grant they have received about Revisiting the Founding Era. We did spend some of summer working on this for those of us who were in involved. This Lady is a member of DAR and she gives two programs. The one she gave this time was one I have heard before but really enjoyed it and was happy to hear it again. The program was on Patriots in Petticoats.
I recorded part of it and hope it comes through so you can hear and see it. I didn't get the whole because one my arm was getting tired and two I was running low on battery.
I hope you enjoy the video's if they come through and if you are interested in joining leave me a comment and I will get you the information and/or get someone to talk with you to help you on your way.
Until next time ejoy your day.

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