Monday, December 11, 2017

Tara's Favorite Christmas

Today I will be posting Tara's favorite Christmas. She also has two she is writing about. Tomorrow I will be posting her fiancé, John's favorite Christmas.

2 Christmases immediately come to mind when I think of my favorite Christmas.  The first is the Ansley Christmas of 1994 (I think that was the year).  We had so many people all together in the house in Tomball.  I loved it!  I thought it was so cool hanging out with the older cousins.  I remember walking through the woods with Michael, Jimmy, Ronan, and Keisha on an adventure. I thought it was awesome that there were so many people visiting we had to ask the neighbors if we could use some of their extra rooms.   I remember anxiously awaiting for it to be my turn to open presents.  And I remember when Michael and I opened our big box of "POWER RANGER STUFF!!!!!"  There is a video somewhere of this precise moment. Ashley, Bekah, and now John like to quote it while teasing me.  But come on, Power Rangers (the original) were awesome and what kid our age didn't LOVE them.
The 2nd Christmas I think of when I hear "favorite Christmas" is the last Christmas our family was all together- 2014.  I love the holidays and spending time with the family.  When John and I found out that Michael and Rachel were going to be in Colorado for Christmas the decision was instantly made that we would be making the drive as well.  We don't get to see the kiddos as much as I would like to, and Christmas is the perfect time to see kids.  The excitement and joy on kids faces is what makes the holiday great.  John, Ashley and I drove up on Christmas Eve, car loaded with presents, 3 animals in tow as well. (In case it hasn't already been mentioned, this is the year Ashley found Kismet and gifted her to Mike). We arrived to a house full of family.  After Bekah and James arrived, the total in attendance was 18.  We had to gate the presents off because there were 4 dogs, 2 cats, and 3 kids all anxious to get their paws on those gifts!  Every room was filled to the brim.  John and I slept in the living room with Jimba and Griz (Shroud wasn't around yet). We got the first glimpse of Santa bringing the gifts and we got to see everyone's face as stockings were opened- full of candy as they should be.  I'm pretty sure Aryan and/or Mike woke me up at 4 am.  But it's Christmas and that's when you should wake up, especially when their are little ones!  We had our traditional Christmas breakfast of cinnamon rolls and got to the present opening.  With 18 people opening 1 gift at a time, this took a few hours.  I don't remember exactly what gifts I received. But I remember having a blast as nieces stole cameras to take pictures of the entire house.  I remember being told "It's YOUR turn to play with me".  And my turn being a LOT longer than everyone else's. And of course, the traditional game of Trivial Pursuit - one of my favorite traditions any time our family gets together.  Christmas isn't about the presents you get, or the presents you give.  It's about spending time with the people you love the most and making memories with them.  I think this Christmas sticks out to me because it's the last Christmas I've been able to share with our family.  John and I haven't been able to make it out west for a Christmas since moving to Connecticut so this Christmas sticks out when the holidays come around.  Not to say I don't love Christmases with the Fedes.  Those are their own sort of memorable!  But until I can spend another Christmas with the Biggerstaff/Ansley/Payne bunch, this will be my favorite Christmas.

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