Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Bekah's Favorite Christmas

Here is Bekah's Favorite Christmas story. I haven't heard from the rest of the family so I am not sure who I will post next. I have two children still at home, myself and Mike. It will be from one of us unless I get something from someone else. You will notice she says she is a slacker but no she isn't.

Ok so I am a slacker about writing my favorite Christmas. Ash took my favorite memory but another one came to mind recently that I quite enjoy. One year while everyone was out shopping for Christmas presents I stayed home with Michael and Grandpa, I think I was 7 or 8. Grandpa was taking his traditional Christmas photo of the tree and as he was leaning on the couch, it fell with Grandpa in it. Thus begins the tradition of Grandpa and falling furniture. To this day I still laugh thinking about it. 

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