Monday, February 4, 2019

My Week ( January 28th - February 3rd)

 I am trying something new on my blog. I want to see what you think. I know this is such a great picture to start with but when you have teenage boys what do you expect.
On Monday the 28th it ended up snowing but not for very long. In fact it was almost melted by the time Mike picked up David from school. Monday mornings are the days I usually go grocery shopping. For dinner I made BBQ chicken rollup and we had coleslaw with it.
Tuesday the 29th Mike and I went to Country Kitchen for an early lunch when we were running errands. We also had a parent/teacher conference with David's teachers. Also that night we had all 4 of our missionaries over for dinner. I made a stew because it has been cold and I could throw it into the slow cooker. Okay now for the picture. On Wednesday Mike worked overtime and after visiting with David's teachers on Tuesday I looked through his room for missing school work. This is what I found in his closet. I won't even mention what was in his dresser drawers or under his bed.
 This is his closet after I cleaned it. You can actually walk into his walk-in closet. Later on it was my turn to carpool the boys with a neighbor to a church young men activity. We did eat leftover goulash for dinner. Before I worked on his closet I had my nails done and my hair cut.
 This is all the trash from his room. I was lucky enough to be able to get into the trash can before the trash man came and picked up the trash. It took me two days to clean his room. So this is on Thursday.
 3 boxes and a plastic container full of stuff to take to the thrift store. We did get after him for the mess in his room and gave Aryan a heads up bout me going through his room next. We had leftover stew for dinner.
 Friday was a busy day. All week I have been getting up at 5 am. David had a dental appointment at 8 am to get filings done. After his appointment I ran some more errands. For those who don't know the boys don't have school on Fridays, so I make a lot of their appointments on this day. When I got home I sliced up mushrooms to dehydrate. We bought two big containers from Sam's club. We don't eat the mushrooms. We grind them up and mix them into the dog's food. Later in the day I felt myself getting a little drained so decided to not go to my crochet club or the activity we were having at the church.
 My dehydrator only has five trays so it took two days to dry all the mushrooms. For dinner on Friday David wanted chicken noodle soup for dinner which was fine with me because I wasn't feeling well and that sounded good.
 This is what they look like when they are dry. On Saturday I woke up with a sore throat but I still had a few things I needed to do so I couldn't let it slow down much. I had cookies to bake for the up coming school week lunches. Mike again worked some overtime as he did the day before. I put a roast in the slow cooker to make into BBQ Beef. Today I didn't get up until 6:30 am though.
Sunday feeling really bad. My throat is killing me and I was moving slow. Mike was off so he actually cooked breakfast. All I had to do was peel the potatoes. I always work on my planner for the upcoming week on Sundays. I didn't go to church because whatever I have I don't want to spread around. I did start feeling better near the end of the day. Mike and the boys went across the street to a friend's house for the Super Bowl. I stayed home and read. We just had leftovers. My weeks very on what happens and sometimes I have to change things around, like cleaning David's room. That was not on my to do list for the week. Also there were a lot of errands being done this week, more than normal. I didn't mention it but I did a load of laundry every day. I also am involved with the DAR and was doing some work for them.
I hope you enjoyed this ad until next time enjoy your day.

1 comment:

  1. I've been wondering what's going on with you and how you're feeling. Thanks for catching me up!
