Monday, May 29, 2023

David's High School Graduation

 David and his cousin graduated high school on Saturday the 27th of May. The JROTC with the colors opened the ceremony.

David is behind the three gold gowns I will try to get a closer picture, but it is blurry.

Not a very good close up but it was the best I could do. I accidently deleted the picture of him receiving his diploma.

David with his cap and gown and his diploma. I have a better photo.

Here is the better photo.

David and his Grandparents Ansley. They came up from Utah to see him graduate.

David with Mike and myself. This was a long trip for him, and we are so proud of him.

You are probably wondering why there is another name on the cake along with David's. Well, he graduated with his cousin, and we wanted to honor them both.

The two newest high school graduates in the Payne Family. Kydon and David. We are so proud of both of you. Here is to the future.

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