Sunday, June 18, 2023

June Vacation 2023

Early this month we went to Utah. The reason for this quick trip is because our middle daughter was having her wedding reception. She got married in August of 2022, but it was a busy time of year for her, she is a teacher and wanted to be able to have her family help her celebrate. These are the pictures I took during the day of celebration. This picture is of my son-in-law and my youngest grandson; they belong to my oldest daughter. They flew down from Conn.
My two sons-in-law.
My daughter being walked by her Dad.
Redoing their vows.
Putting the rings on.
The kiss.
Their cake.
Oldest daughter and her family.
The newest family unit.
Newest family with parents.
My Dad walking through as I take the picture.
Newest family, parents and Grandparents.
My two youngest grandsons coloring.
My middle daughter placed her daughter with a wonderful family, and this is the family. They have become a part of our family also. I am glad that they came to celebrate this day with us.
Getting ready to cut the cake.
Cutting the cake.
I couldn't get the picture fast enough as they fed each other a piece. There was no mess.
My parents with all the great grandchildren. The two youngest ones wouldn't stay without their mom.
The next day we went to the farmer's market and right next to it was a splash pad. The youngest grandson really loved this.
He was having a blast.
The last 15 minutes of the hour the water is turned off but there is a little park close by for the children to go and play. He loved this slide.
Both of the grandsons going down the slide. The older of the two wasn't a fan of the slide.
Having a blast.
Not so much but really enjoying Grandpa.
He wasn't as sure of the water as his younger cousin. It took us a while to get this far.
Finally getting into it.
Having fun in the water.
He just loves splashing in the water.
Getting more into the water. Yes, we put sunscreen on him.
More water time.

 I took this picture right after he got a big splash in his face.

We had a lot of fun with all the children. It was the first time that all the grandchildren were together. Not all my children were able to come because of work or looking for work. The time will come again when this will happen. It was a great visit and I wish I had more vacation time to able to stay longer.

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