Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Trip to Connecticut

As you know from the previous blogs I went to Connecticut to visit with my oldest daughter, Tara.
I spent all day Monday on a plane. Tara and her fiancée John picked me in New York at the airport. Let me tell you the movies are correct about the airports in New York. They are extremely crowded and loud. Tara took off the week from her main job but had to work two nights at her part tie job. Tuesday we went and looked for things to make center pieces for the tables at her up coming wedding in October of 2018. We did find some wine glasses she wants to use but not having luck in the flowers. She showed me the place of the wedding but we weren't able to look inside of the building. For lunch we went to a Mexican Restaurant called Senor Ponchos. We both ordered build your own burritos and they were huge. In fact I ended up leaving a 1/4 of my burrito at their place. That night Tara had worked so John cooked dinner. John by the way is a great cook.
Wednesday we went out and bought dresses for the wedding rehearsal and I bought one for the day of the wedding. We found some great deals and had fun. We didn't do much because we were going to New Haven to see the Sound of Music. Tara took me to her favorite pizza place called Rossini's to try there plain pizza. To me it was okay but I am not a fan of tomatoes so it had too much of that taste but the cheese pizza was great. The above pictures were taken at the theater where we saw the musical Sound of Music. It was great. We had a little scare afterwards when we went to get the car. The parking garage was closed and locked. Lucky for us we saw one of the workers who let us in and told us we only had to use a ticket from the garage to get in. We left the ticket in the car. Also it was lucky for us that one of us brought a debit card because that was the only way to pay for parking. This was lesson learned.
Thursday we went to Hobby Lobby to check on flowers again no luck but she did find the grapes she wanted. Then we went to Barnes and Noble because she needed to get a book for a baby gift and we just enjoyed looking around.
Yes I did buy some books. For lunch we went to Olive Garden. She had to work that night so we made it a short day. Again John cooked dinner.
I am going to skip Friday for now and write about it tomorrow in its own blogs.
Saturday we went wedding dress shopping for her. She tried on four dresses. There was myself her future mother-in-law and sister-in-law and friend with us. The first dress she tried on we all liked but she really didn't care for it. The second dress she liked but we didn't. The third dress was the winner we all liked it. This is the one that she bought. The fourth dress she didn't like even as she was putting it on. It was too tulle. I will not post the dress because I want to make sure John doesn't see it. You will have to wait until they get married before it gets posted. We went to Savin Rock Roasting Company for dinner. One of John's cousin owns this restaurant and this might be where the rehearsal dinner will be. Not for sure though.
Sunday back on the plane coming home. I enjoyed myself and was glad to spend time with Tara. I have never been to Connecticut and it was beautiful and full of history. I can't wait to go back and do some sight seeing.

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