Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Old Sturbridge Village in Massachusetts

Friday we went to Old Sturbridge Village in Massachusetts. We got early and had breakfast at Paul's and then headed to Massachusetts.

As you tell it was cold. The wind didn't help. We had a great time anyway.
Anyone who knows me knows that I love history and love this time period.
The gentleman in this picture with us is John. 

This  is a cider mill and yes you can smell the cider. This is the first building we saw. We did take a carriage ride around the village to get a guided tour. Needless to say the carriage didn't help to keep us warm but very informative.

Tara trying to stand on stilts. Had to fast with the camera, she only lasted about 1 second.

Driving past the capital in Hanover on the way to Massachusetts.

The  tin maker. All the employees were dressed in costume.
He also demonstrated the turkey shoot. I didn't get pictures of that.

The black smith.

The potter.

The printer.

An old school house. You are looking at the teacher's desk.

A meeting house.

 A Friend's (Quaker) meeting house.

John pointing out the cheese in the house's we saw.

Tara trying on  a shoe in shoe maker's shop. Do not call them cobblers.

I have a lot more pictures but decided to not put them all on the blog. If you want to see more I will of course add another post. It was a great day even though it was cold.
We only stayed until 3 pm because we had a dinner party at John's dad's house.

Dinner was eventful. I met a good majority of John's family. They are all very friendly and easy to get along with. They are extremely Italian and have strong opinions on how meatballs are to be made. Poor John got ridicule for using dried parsley in his meatballs. I of coursed kept quiet. They wouldn't like that 75% of the time I cheat and buy my meatballs premade. When I do make meatballs I use dried parsley. Of course I wasn't going to volunteer that information. John's meatballs tasted great even though I didn't try the chicken one's; I'm not a fan of ground chicken. 
It was a full and fun day.

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