Monday, March 30, 2020

Weekly activity during the quarantine of CoVid-19

This has been a hard time for everyone. I had many projects and have decided that is the perfect to start getting them done.

 You have probably seen this photo before. I have finally gotten my canning caught up. I had several bags of tomatoes in my freezer that I just didn't get to in the fall. I made tomato sauce. I won't need any for a while.
 I have been working this lap afghan for the veterans since November and finally finished this. I will wait November to donate it the veterans home.
 This is a baby afghan I crocheted while listening to a book. I like to have several on hand just in case. Some of them will go the veterans who are active duty.
 This is my stove and we decided it was time to pull it out and give it a good cleaning. It really wasn't that bad.
 I sewed up four burp rags. I have more to sew but ran out of the binding.
 Two bibs were also sewn. Again didn't get them all done because I ran out binding.
The boys were excited when we decided to make homemade ice cream. Yes we could buy it from the store but this taste so much better.

I still have a few more things to finish and will have time to do so. Life is getting a little boring and trying to find things to change it up is a challenge. I know we need to stay home and get through this.
I hope you all are safe and until lnext time enjoy your family and day.

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