Friday, April 13, 2018

David's first track meet

 This is the first time David has done track. He didn't do it last year because his brother was in track and he didn't feel confident enough. Well, this year he decided to give it a try. He is holding his paper with the events he is assigned to do.
 His first event was the 4x100 relay. He ran the 3rd leg. Unfortunately they didn't place.
 Here is a closer look at David as they prepare to get ready.
 His 2nd event was the 400 Meter dash.  He came in 3rd. He is in JV.
Another closer look as he prepares.
His third event was high jump. He tied for 2nd in that event. He came home with some marks from the bar because he landed on it in one of his jumps.
The last event was the 4x400 relay. They came in second in that one.
Sorry no pictures for the high jump because parents weren't allowed down on the field and the last event it was getting dark and my picture didn't come out well.
He is enjoying himself and that is all that matters to us.
My weeks are now a little busier with him doing track but that is ok.
Until next time enjoy your day.

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