Friday, April 13, 2018

David's first track meet

 This is the first time David has done track. He didn't do it last year because his brother was in track and he didn't feel confident enough. Well, this year he decided to give it a try. He is holding his paper with the events he is assigned to do.
 His first event was the 4x100 relay. He ran the 3rd leg. Unfortunately they didn't place.
 Here is a closer look at David as they prepare to get ready.
 His 2nd event was the 400 Meter dash.  He came in 3rd. He is in JV.
Another closer look as he prepares.
His third event was high jump. He tied for 2nd in that event. He came home with some marks from the bar because he landed on it in one of his jumps.
The last event was the 4x400 relay. They came in second in that one.
Sorry no pictures for the high jump because parents weren't allowed down on the field and the last event it was getting dark and my picture didn't come out well.
He is enjoying himself and that is all that matters to us.
My weeks are now a little busier with him doing track but that is ok.
Until next time enjoy your day.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

The house

 So I thought you might like to see the plan of the new house. I am also inclosing some pictures.
So this is the kitchen with the laundry in the back. We liked this home because it is open. It came with a black refrigerator, dishwasher and gas stove.
 This room is the living room. You can actually visit with people as you work in the kitchen. I couldn't do that in the old house.
 This is actually two rooms. The dining room is the brown linoleum, and the carpet is the family room. We won't use it for a family but will live it open with very little furniture.
 This is going to be Aryan's room. It is the room without a walk in closet.
 This is another bedroom but will be used as a sewing room/office. We thought about putting the office in the family, but didn't like the idea of clutter. I make a mess when I work and I don't like to put things away when I am still working on it.
 This is the master bedroom. There is a huge bathroom that comes off of it. The only thing I don't like about it is that the closet is in the bathroom. The closet is huge and has a door but you still have to go into the bathroom to get to it.
Last but not least is the bedroom that David will be using. The door you see is to his walk in closet.
As soon as the rooms are all done with how we want them I will post pictures.
Until then enjoy your day.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Bringing in the house

 Here are the pictures of them bringing in the home. The pictures were taken from across the street at our friends house.
 They had to bring in each half separately of course. Took most of the day.
 Likely the yard is wide open so they had plenty of room. The orange dumpster belongs to the neighbors.

Set together but not connected. It is a four bedroom with a family room. It is 1794 square feet. The wood post that you see is a fence in process for our dogs.
Not much on this blog about the house more later. Until then enjoy your day.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

building our new home

 Yes we are now moved and have closed on our new home. So now I can write about it. This was a long process and a nightmare but it is over and done with. There will be several posts with pictures so you can see what was done. This picture and the next one were taken from a friend who lives across the street. This shows them digging for a foundation and the septic we had them put in. Unfortunately there isn't sewer out in the area we live.

 As you can tell the septic system is going in and there are three huge leach lines. They took up about a quarter of the back yard. We do have an acre of land.

 This is a new style septic tank. It is suppose to be better than the concrete ones. It is sized for a four bedroom house.
The foundation for the home. We wanted a permanent foundation  for the manufactured home we  are putting onto the land.
So these are the first photos for you to enjoy.
I will post more again later. Don't know when because we moving in and getting our other home ready to sale.
Until then enjoy your day.