Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Christmas Coffee

 I know that this is a lot late but I did want to post this anyway. The second Saturday in December The Arkansas Valley DAR Chapter host their Christmas Coffee. At this coffee we raise money for the scholarship we try to hand out in May. This scholarship goes to a college student who is getting a degree in history. We have a great time and just enjoy ourselves. All the items you see in the photos were donated to us by local business for the auction we hold. We all had a blast.
 These two items were donated by a member to be auctioned off.
 Here are the snacks that everyone shared in bringing . Lots of good food.
 Bidding taking place.
 Just some of the members enjoying each others company.
More members.

If you are interested in joining the DAR all you have to do is get online and google it to find a chapter near you.
Until next time enjoy your day.

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