Sunday, September 10, 2017


As you know Aryan is now a Freshman in high school. So what does that entail for him  and for us. For him it means a lot more homework and needing to stay on top of things better and keeping his grades up. For us it means it is time to get him a cell phone. I was dreading this day not as much when he will begin driving, but one step at a time. High School is a busy for him because he is involved in several things already. He is in TSA (Technology Student Association) and student council and I finally got tired of relaying messages to him that was texted to me. So Mike and I broke down on Saturday and bought him a phone. He knows how we feel about phones in the schools and that he has to keep his grades at a 3.5 GPA or better. We know he can do this. He is also taking a few honor classes which means a lot of group projects.
It is hard to believe that he has grown so fast and is in high school. So many memories of him being little and just starting school and now he only has four years before he is off to college.
He is good kid and we love him dearly.

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