Monday, July 3, 2017

Utah Trip

Sadie at the park


Baby ducks at the park

Sadie opening her birthday gift early

Looking at her gift

Books I bought at the church bookstore. We don't have one close to us in Colorado.
I always go here when I am in the area.

Books I bought at the DI (this is like a thrift store). My Friend Flicka and the book above were repeat buys. Didn't realize I already had these books at home. Again another place I visit every time we go to Utah.

Books that Ashley gave to David and myself. Aryan received some books also but he left them behind so they aren't  in this picture. He will get them when Becca comes in July.

Books my mom gave me. She always has a stack of books for me to read.

More books from mom.

This trip was suppose to be a time for me to spend with all my Grandchildren since they were all going to be in the area. We had a big day for Michael's oldest and we made sure we were there. Unfortunately I ended up getting really sick so didn't get to spend the time like I wanted. I did get a little time with them. Most of my trip was spent in bed. Not one of our better trips. The boys got to miss a week of school, but still had to do the homework that was given to them. The boys enjoy going because Grandma and Grandpa have cable TV. Yes that means we don't have cable can't see spending that much money on nothing to much to watch.  We do have internet so we keep up with local events and what is going on around the world and in our own country.
Until next time.

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