Tuesday, April 19, 2016


My name is Debbie Payne and I live in Pueblo, Colorado.  I am new at blogging and in fact had to get my oldest daughter to help me with this.  I am a homemaker with 6 children and 5 Grandchildren. 4 of my children no longer live at home.  My oldest lives in Ohio with his wife and 4 children. My next oldest is the one who helped me she lives in Connecticut with her boyfriend. The next two our also girls and they live in Utah.  The two youngest are boys and live at home. I will talk about each of children in a different post.   I have been living in Pueblo for about 5 years.  We moved here because of my husbands job.  We enjoy living here. I am active in my church and teach the 12 and 13 year old in Sunday School. I also teach Relief Society on the second Sunday of the month and do the activities for the women quarterly.  I am also involved with the Daughters of the American Revolution here in our area. I am hoping to post some interesting things for you.  Well that is all for now since I have to get my son from track practice.

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