Thursday, April 28, 2016


Well, I know it has been a while since my last post.  I have been busy and just not able to get to the computer. I haven't downloaded any current pictures of Aryan so there isn't one to post here. Aryan is 13 years old and is a busy young man.  He is taking all advance classes in school. He is in the seventh grade. He is not a straight A student but he does stay on the honor roll. He is doing track right now. He mostly runs in the relays. Last night he ran the 110 meter hurdles, 400 meter dash, the 4 by 200 meter relay and the 4 by 400 meter relay. He amazes me with the hurdles because he doesn't trip over them and he placed 2nd yesterday. All of this with shin splints. He was one hurting young man last night. He is also the deacon quorum president in our ward so that keeps him hopping also. This last year he has grown 4 inches tall and his feet have grown about 2 sizes in this school year alone. He continues to surprise us with all he does and we enjoy him everyday.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Ashley and Kismet

This is my youngest daughter Ashley. She is 22 and goes to Utah Valley university.  She is double majoring . Her majors are in English and History. I know she at one time said she might go for all humanitarian classes but I am not sure if she is doing that or not. She has been working herself through school and has so far keeping out of debt. She has recently gotten a job that will pay for her tuition but not her books, which is the costly part. She is doing well and of course we miss her like all of the children away from home.
This is Kismet. She is 1 and as you can see she is black and long hair. Her fur is really soft and we all like to cuddle her.  She is posted here with Ashley because Ashley talked Mike into adopted her. She loves being under the blanket when she sleeps. She has started sleeping under the blankets with Mike and me now, which makes for some uncomfortable nights because our little dog sleeps with us also and when the other cat decides join us there is no leg room. She loves to tease our little dog and she avoids the big dog he is still a little much for her.

Thursday, April 21, 2016


Like I said in my last post I was going to introduce you to each one of my children. The above picture is of my youngest. His name is David and he is 11 years old. He is in the 5th grade. This year we are homeschooling but next year he will be back in public school. Why are we homeschooling him you might be asking? David has a learning disability. He has what is called dysgraphia and it is hard for him to be in a classroom. He is the one who asked to go back to public school. He misses being with his friends. We have hired a student from the college in our area to help me teach him. She took him to the Cheyenne mountain zoo. She did her lesson there on this day.  His favorite animal was the otter. Which he is pictured here with. He is a joy and can be funny at times.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


My name is Debbie Payne and I live in Pueblo, Colorado.  I am new at blogging and in fact had to get my oldest daughter to help me with this.  I am a homemaker with 6 children and 5 Grandchildren. 4 of my children no longer live at home.  My oldest lives in Ohio with his wife and 4 children. My next oldest is the one who helped me she lives in Connecticut with her boyfriend. The next two our also girls and they live in Utah.  The two youngest are boys and live at home. I will talk about each of children in a different post.   I have been living in Pueblo for about 5 years.  We moved here because of my husbands job.  We enjoy living here. I am active in my church and teach the 12 and 13 year old in Sunday School. I also teach Relief Society on the second Sunday of the month and do the activities for the women quarterly.  I am also involved with the Daughters of the American Revolution here in our area. I am hoping to post some interesting things for you.  Well that is all for now since I have to get my son from track practice.