Tuesday, July 9, 2024

What I did for the Week of July 1st

I am a day late for this post but better late than never.

With this being the first week of the month we have a holiday and I decided to make a centerpiece for the table. I realize I need to add some more color rocks to make it look fuller. I did this on the 1st. On the second we went and bought a Jeep Wrangler. I didn't get a photo before we took it in for new tires and a good look over. The third we went and got it insured and registered. That was a little harder than it should have been, but it is done and legal to drive.

I also finished with the outlining of the sides for the baskets. Now I just have the handles and the gables to finish up before I can put them together and have this project finished.
I did two more squares. The one on the left as you look at it is for the squares this year and I am hoping to get them done and put together for a baby. The other one is part of a 63 square sampler that I have been working on way too long and just want to get them done.

I also decided to work on a plastic crochet mat for the homeless. I have had this plarn for a while and just need to get it out of the closet.

For the 4th of July we really didn't do anything because my husband had to work. I just did small things around the house since I wasn't able to do them earlier in the week because of the running around we did. The rest of the week was just relaxing and doing what needed to be done. It is starting get hotter and it makes it hard to get motivated to do anything.

That is what my week look like and so that is it until next week.

Monday, July 1, 2024

What I did for the week of June 24th

 This last week I was busy trying to get things out of the motorhome and cleaned to be ready for our next trip. It has also been very hot in Colorado. Below I have a few photos of the things that I was able to get to. 

Two more squares are done out of 63 squares. I still have about 30 more to go.
I went to the library and made a couple of shrinks.
I finally have all the sides done for the baskets. I will need to do some of outlining and that will be done this coming week. I am finally seeing the end to this project.
I went to the library, and this is the project they had us do. For some reason this project took me awhile to get done. I think I was a having a problem reading the graphic.
Our youngest son had to go back to California for his job. We ended up taking him to the airport and spending some time with him before he left.
It felt good being home and getting things back in order. Well, that is it for this post so I will see you on the next one. I don't know when that will be.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Vicksburg Part 3

 We are now onto our last post about visit to Vicksburg, Mississippi. We went to three different museums. We were only able to take pictures of the Old Court House. The other two museums we went to were the Museum about the civil war and one was the Coke Shop. This building actually was the first one to bottle Coke. Now for the pictures of the Old Court House.

These photos are from my camera. These are the outside of the courthouse. The next photos you will see are from Mike's camera. His camera is easier to remove the flash. We were able to take photos, but the flash had to be off.

This quilt is beautiful.

This piano is in great shape. We were surprised to see it here. We have never seen a square piano.

There was a room just for the musical instruments.

Teddy Roosevelt's Teddy Bear. This was actually fun to see and read about.

All the different types of toys. I can remember playing with some of these as a child. Now not these here in the photos but something like them.

How would you like to bathe in one of these.
Or this one.

This was very interesting to see. It is the inside of a large clock.

I just loved seeing the different types of sewing machines.
This is a photo of an old stroller. I can't remember what they were called back then.

The next pictures will be of the courtroom.

There is a plaque in the room stating that the overseer of Andersonville Prison was tried here.

This building is across the street from the old courthouse. 
We had a great time with our visit to Vicksburg. I would recommend going in Spring or Fall because in the Summer it is humid and sticky.

These are the things that I bought while in Vicksburg. I tried to buy something from place we visited.