Monday, August 22, 2016

baking day

homemade pizza rolls

homemade pizza rolls

homemade white bread

homemade donut holes

peanut butter cookies

I try to bake once a week. Sometimes I have to do it more because it doesn't last.  Mike and the boys love homemade items and eat it faster than I can bake it. I did this baking on Wednesday the 17th and we are totally out of the donut holes, and pizza rolls. I am almost out of the cookies I have just enough for school lunches tomorrow. The bread has a couple of slices left. This loaf lasted longer because I used a longer pan. I will be doing another baking day in the next day or two. I will post pictures of that also.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

canning session

peach jam and peaches


It is that time of year where I am busy stocking our pantry. This year I have already canned apricot-pineapple jam, and the above. We were almost out of jam so I needed to get busy. David is wanting grape jelly but our grapes dried out while we were on vacation, so I will have to do something different. The pickles will last us about a year. The boys take them in their lunches and love to snack on them. I have  also done some peas. We didn't need to do green beans this year because we have a lot left over from last summer. Mike and the boys aren't to fond of green beans. 

I go to one of the many farmer's market in the area to get our produce.  

Monday, August 8, 2016

David's Birthday Celebration

We didn't get to celebrate David's 12th birthday until the 18th of July. Mike had to work on his birthday so we didn't celebrate until now.  We had Mike's sister and her family come over and celebrate with us. We didn't do anything big. We had cake and ice cream. I didn't do much decorating on his cake. Having a July birthday makes it hard for me to do a fancy decorating job with it being so hot. The icing melts faster than I can work with.